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Student wellness and academic libraries : case studies and sctivities for promoting health and success / editado por Sara Holder y Amber Lannon. - Primera edición - Chicago, Illinois : Assoc of College & Research Libraries, ©2020 - vii, 292 páginas ; Ilustraciones, tablas, fotografías ; 25 cm

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V. Preface. -- VII. Acknowledgments. -- 1. Introduction. -- Chapter 1. Then you can start make it better: how academic libraries are promoting and fostering student wellness. -- Chapter 2. Peer assisted study sessions: how academic libraries can influence student well-being through academic programs and intentional partnerships. -- Chapter 3. A case for the ampathetic librarian. -- Chapter 4. "I'II go with you": safety and wellness initiatives to support trans and gender-nonconforming academic library users. -- Chapter 5. Cultivating belonging: diversity and inclusion initiatives at the leonard lief library, lehman college-cuny. -- Chapter 6. Welcoming students with children: building a family study space at the university of toronto libraries. -- Chapter 7. Wellness support for student library employees: staff development tool kit for library employees who supervise students. -- Chapter 8. The development of multiuse medidation rooms. -- Chapter 9. Supporting digital wellness and well being. -- Chapter 10. Designing for wellness. a student/librarian collaboration. -- Chapter 11. Beyond therapy dogs: rethinking animal policies to protect and promote student wellness for all library users. -- Chapter 12. Student wellness through physical activity: promotion in the academic library. -- Chapter 13. Wellness overdue? Check in at the weldon library wellness station: partnering for student wellness. -- Chapter 14. Welcoming wellness: collaborating with campus wellness programs to promote student wellness activities in the library and across campus.


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